Athletics (Jubilee Reach)
BSD Middle School Athletics and Activities
Jubilee REACH sport offering by season and open registration dates are located on the Jubilee REACH Middle School site.
- Due to a high level of student interest in middle school athletics, all Jubilee REACH Sports and Activities will perform registration through a Microsoft Form to gauge student interest.
- This form is only accessible through your students BSD email account.
- Parents: You are not able to register on your student’s behalf. It can only be done through your student’s BSD Outlook account.
- Jubilee coordinators then load all selected participants into the FinalForms roster for that sport.
- Important Note: While middle school sports will show as visible in FinalForms, registration for them takes place via Microsoft Forms.
- Athlete selection is by lottery when interest exceeds the maximum number of team participants.
- This form is only accessible through your students BSD email account.
- Students: Please express your interest when the registration period opens
- By completing the survey; Middle School Winter 1 2024 Sports Registration
- If you have any questions about Jubilee REACH Sports/Activities, please reach out to your school’s Site-Coach.
For new users and additional information please visit 2024 Middle School Registration.